Flash mobs have slowly begun their quest for world dominance one choreographed dance at a time…and it’s glorious.
Since the creation of the internet and the ease of sending a message to the masses, no longer does someone need to pay for space in the local Tidbits. It’s now as easy as posting information on a website, Facebook, or any type of message board. This has enabled creative groups to assemble and take part in a variety of performances known as Flash Mobs.
You may ask yourself, “What are flash mobs?”
Flash mobs are defined as “a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, and then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.”
Hipsters love this kind of crap. The first mini flash mob I participated in was in six grade, most of the class discussed we should all do something before lunch. So 10 minutes before lunch when the clock hit 11:45 we all dropped all of our books from our desk to the floor. We all laughed, but then spent recess inside. The seeds of flash mobbing had been planted.
“Praise You” – The Actual First Flash Mob
Wikipedia says that flash mobs originated in 2003, but they are wrong. In the spring of 1999, the Torrance Community Dance Group unleashed it’s moves to the world front of a movie theater and the rest is history. This clip gained popularity on MTV, because it was the music video for “Praise You,” by Fatboy Slim.
0:10 – Richard you are a miracle worker. Apparently all it takes is two weeks to be able to dance your pants off.
0:22 – The magic begins, and I can’t believe they had to push their own play button!
0:46 – Dude in the pink shirt, knows it’s ’bout to get real in this mutha.
1:42 – Oh what! The backwards fish move – unheard of!
2:18 – That buzz kill dude, there is one at every party. Mr. “No More Rampage” even though you just conquered the North Eastern states.
3:04 – B Boy moves – “There’s No Stoppin’ Us.”
4:16 – Move over Rockettes, there is a new show in town.
5:28 – Dude you already had so much street cred, you don’t need to tell me about it.
Final thoughts: How did they learn this amazing dance in only 2 weeks? So You Think You Can Dance style right there.
Stop…it’s a Hammer Time Flash Mob
If you are below the age of 20 and need to better understand this mob click right here.
I am still amazed that these pants didn’t catch on.
0:41 – How did this dude sneak in? He gets an “E” for effort.
0:50 – Who invited the dudes from The Night at the Roxbury?
0:59 – Head band dude proves you’re “never too old for the Hammer.”
世界同時スリラ (Thiller in Japanese) Flash Mob
People here in the USA aren’t the only ones who are wasting their time away with flash mobs. It’s time to travel across the sea to Japan to see what they have up their sleeve.
0:05 – OK, did we miss something here? Really confused.
0:10 – With my limited Japanese speaking skills, I can tell they are counting down from ten. (My Japanese skills include counting to ten and telling people to line up)
0:31 – Why is there a sign that says family with a down area?
0:50 – Oh the Thriller dance…yeah that’s never been done.
1:27 – I just realized everyone is in costume. Why? So many questions. It feels like watching an episode of Lost.
3:00 – Where is Micheal? Or the hot girl with the big bangs?
4:26 – I finally found Waldo. Did you?
6:05 – Not bad. (Closed window)

Brigham Young vs. William Wallace Flash Mob
If anything goes mainstream, those folks in Rexburg and Provo aren’t far behind.
0:15 – In case you were wondering those are the “cool kids” at school.
1:18 – I wonder how many HP damage a pillow does.
1:57 – OK, kinda funny. (I closed the window)
Best Buyers from Improv Everywhere
0:14 – Santa joins flash mobs in his down time.
1:14 – Too many blue shirts, clearly a violation of a fire code.
New York State of Mind Flash Mob
This flash mob is the best one of all time – the Frozen Grand Central.
0:33 – Santa is back!
0:37 – “I am just touching to make sure she’s real. Yeah it’s real.”
1:29 – Honking guy is priceless.
1:40 – Favorite Frozen people.
Many of you sit at your computer and think “I don’t want to be alone.” Well, you too can join a flash mob. Flashmob America is your chance to showcase those dancing skills you always knew you had. And for the rest who don’t really get it – You aren’t alone.
Hi, I just stopped in to visit your website and thought I’d say thank you.